Finally back home after 36 hours of traveling. I have only a few days in Hinsdale before I go to Colorado, so I am busy busy busy!
A recap of the last week and a half in Ecuador...
December 23rd--My family FINALLY came to visit! I waited at the airport with my host family for what seemed like a lifetime until they finally emerged. When I collided with Martha in an embrace, I somehow managed to fall on the floor--entertaining everyone at the airport. It was a great reunion.
December 24th--Mario drove the family to Otavalo for a day of shopping at the artesenal market. We also visited the equator.
December 25th--We had lunch at the house with the entire family. In true Tassie fashion, a ridiculous amount of photos were taken. Here are a few:
Juanchito and I |
María Elena, Orlando, and Me |
Soilita and Juancho |
my entire family |
the moms |
the brothers |
the sisters |
the dads |
Martha and I, Quito behind us |
December 26th--Family trip to the Galápagos! It was basically a repeat trip for me, but I still had so much fun. Hey, I'll take another trip there whenever I get a chance--it's the coolest place I've ever been. Way more turtles this time too! No need to share more photos...but here's the whole group!
December 31st--Back in Quito for NYE with my host family. Cameron and Trena joined the party, which went from 9PM to 3AM New Year's Day. Some photos:
Tassie and Trena |
Pao and Dani |
Valentina |
Hermanito Mario |
Pepe bailando con María Elena |
Cameron bailando con Orlando |
MaríaElena and Orlando |
Orlando and Pati dancing |
gringos cansados |
hugging at midnight after the toasts |
my mother was crying |
Julio and Juancho, ready for fireworks |
Pao |
Pati |
sleepy vale with diego |
quemando el año viejo |
video of of the most dangerous fireworks shows I have witnessed
the video is filmed right outside the house...and please excuse my potty mouth!
ja ja Juancho....SArita #2? |
diego and vale |
At 2AM, we were quite worn out and it was time to say the goodbyes. O my o my was it hard to say goodbye! I've never been good at them, and it was even more difficult in a different language because I am less able to adequately express what I was feeling. So there was some crying--I hope they understood how much I'll miss them! But I told them that they would surely see me again soon!
January 1st--Woke up at 6AM, left for airport at 7AM for 1030AM flight. Flight delayed until 3PM. Pepe interrogated in Miami. Spent the night in Miami.
January 2nd--Woke up at 5AM. Home at 2PM. CHICAGO IS COLD!!
back home with sally!! |
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