I haven't posted in a while because not much has been going on. From Monday to Friday, I have Ecology from 9-12. Monday through Thursday, I have Spanish class from 2:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon--that gives me 2.5 hours for lunch. I'm still having trouble filling that time up...
I go to the same two classes everyday with the same people, so it's a lot like the block plan so far, but not as intense right now. Right now, it's a lot of lecture, but I really like the professor. He's a walking encyclopedia, and he's interested in everything. Soon, we will start traveling more (see the schedule tab for tentative class travel plans) and seeing ecology in action. I am starting to feel a bit cooped up here in Quito, so I am really looking forward to moving around and seeing more of the country.
Although I do like that this program runs similarly to CC's block plan, it's been isolating in terms of meeting other American and Ecuadorian students. I had forgotten how challenging it is to make a whole new set of friends.
I have photos and little tidbits to share...
On Friday, my host parents (Maria Elena and Orlando) went to a party. They got all dressed up, so I had to take a picture of them! Their son, Mario, is the joker.
On Saturday, students studying through Boston University took a little field trip to Cuicocha, Cotacachi and Otavalo.
The first stop was Cuicocha, a crater lake north of Quito. It was only slightly similar to Crater Lake in Oregon. It has two lava dome islands, and water chickens!
We also visited the Indian Market at Otavalo, a huge open-air market where you can find everything from alpaca sweaters to teddy bears made of llama wool. I got some serious bartering practice while I was there!

One of the many streets.
Llama teddy bears.
Small roller coasters at Otavalo. I wonder how safe they are?
We then made our way to a condor rehabilitation park: Parque Condor. To be honest, I was more into the views of the mountains than the birds themselves. I've been going a bit crazy here because I can see mountains all around me, but I have yet to go hiking or adventuring in them. So it was nice to be a little closer to them.
Pretty sure this is Cotocachi--don't quote me on that.
Next weekend, the class travels to Papallacta and Cotopaxi!